Friday, September 09, 2005

An Eighteen-Part G-d

Christianity believes in a three-part G-d, which is known as the "Trinity." The conjecture of the Trinity is that G-d exists singularly in three distinct forms, which is possible because the three forms are each a separate aspect of G-d, but on their own are also each G-d. Therefore, according to Christian belief, this theological understanding of G-d is not even comparable to polytheism because the summation of the three parts of G-d, each of which are not one third of G-d, but G-d Himself, necessarily equals one. It is not "one plus one plus one equals one," for that equation equals three, but rather, it is "one divided by one divided by one," which equals one.

However, G-d is not a three-part G-d, but rather He is an eighteen-part G-d. We can derive from the Torah that G-d is a Father, Mother, Creator, Husband, Landlord, Instructor, Presence, Gaurdian, Warrior, King, Redeemer, Savior, Rock, Friend, Sender of the Meshiach, Giver of life, Killer, and Resurrector of the dead; all in all, this would make G-d an eighteen-part G-d. Who said that we had to stop at three? There are countless more attributes of G-d in the Torah and Kabbalah that I cannot even begin to mention due to lack of knowledge.

**Just to reiterate, I do not really believe that G-d is an eighteen-part G-d, but rather, He is an infinite G-d with infinite parts that transcend our finite understanding of separation. This makes Him One.**

The Rebuttal

It is possible to say that the Father is the Father and that the Presence (Shekhina) is the "Holy Spirit;" but where is the Son? The "son" has no foundation in Jewish belief. Some Christians say that "son" is a term given to Jesus to express his manifestly unique relationship with G-d, not that he is the literal son of G-d. In the Torah, there are many figures who had unique relationships with G-d; Noah, Moses, Abraham, the Prophets, etc... However, none of them were labeled "son of G-d." In reality, Jesus being labeled the "son of G-d" does have to do with his "genetic association" with G-d," for the belief states that he was born from a virgin mother. If you can imagine a virgin woman suddenly becoming pregnant; what was "the sperm" that made her have a child? According to this belief, Jesus is the son of G-d in the literal sense, that he shared divine genetic material, and that he was therefore part G-d (not part god) and part human.

This is patently bizarre; a human child shares the genetic material of both his mother and his father, yet he is not the same being as his mother or his father. If Jesus was G-d, he was also Mary, for I am both my mother and my father.

*Note -- Every human seed and human egg is divine genetic material.
Please Let Not Piety be Pity

About a month ago, I went to a social gathering with a friend. At the gathering, I started to talk to a few people, and since I wear a kippah (and most of the people were there from a church group), the conversation steered to the direction of Israel (because all those who wear kippah's are from Israel).

One of the women, a particularly gentle soul, asked me what I thought about the situation in Israel. Such a general question is difficult to answer. To paraphrase, she asked me, "Isn't it sad that they are so desperate that they are being driven to commit suicide?"

Here I am going to set the record straight; "suicide" is when you kill yourself, "homicide" is when you strap a bomb to your body and kill a plethora of other people, not to mention, innocent other people. If Palestinian terrorists are suicide victims, then so is anybody that shoots up a crowd of people and then gets shot to death by authorities, for they caused their own life to be taken. Yet these people are called "murderers." When people commit suicide, at least here in the West, they usually prefer the method of swallowing pills, slitting their wrists, a gunshot, or sometimes even hanging, yet I can't remember that a tortured soul just couldn't take it anymore and decided to end his or her life by strapping on explosives and walking into a crowded bank. Plus, suicide victims are not identified by an ideologically hate-filled political act.

The problem with many people's understanding of the Middle East is that they don't have one. Muslim extremism (which has yet to be clearly distinguished from the Muslim religion itself) is in perpetual conquer mode. When a Muslim whack-job straps a bomb to him, or herself, and strolls into a crowded building invoking the name of the One G-d right before detonating that bomb, they are not motivated by depression or feelings of self-worthlessness, because there are Palestinians that commit suicide in the "traditonal" way as well, but rather, they are motivated by the desire to murder. By killing those people, they are expressing the Muslim goal of political rebellion against an invader, and rather than being sad about their lives ending, they express joy, and feel as if they are completing a sacred mission. The gentle soul who asked me this question might have a hard time understanding this cultural reality, because her ancestors were more adept at killing others to get them into Heaven rather than killing themselves. Ironically, they both killed the same people.

The sensitive eyes of some people Western, some of which are Christian, have a fixed image of suicide as a plea for help, for that is the American construct. However, it's quite different "over there," and if someone doesn't understand something, until they have some facts down, they should just shut their damn mouths. Some people turn the other cheek and some people turn themselves into flaming objects of death and destruction. If Palestinians want to play make-believe that they are guided missiles that just happen to have eyes, there is plenty of room in the "Palestinian territories" to play that game. I beg of people not to mistake piety for pity.