Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Under One G-d

The relationship one has with G-d is represented by the relationship he has with his parents. His father represents the powerful and protective nature of G-d, and his mother represents His nurturing and providing side. In reality, to be whole, both the human father and mother need to have both of these elements. The reality, however, is that usually the father has more of one and the mother has more of the other, so it is necessary that they make a pair or unit with each other so that both elements are present in sufficient and moderate quantities. It is also part of G-d's Design that a human can be born only as a result of that union - something which homosexualty cannot yield. Further, the mother and the father learn from each other and therefore the father learns to be nurturing and the mother learns to be aggressive and the child eventually learns to see his parents as a singular unit, even though they are two different people. This unit is exactly what the Torah in Genesis calls for. It is through this unit that the child learns about G-d for G-d is One and even though you need a human mother and father (two people) to provide both of these elements of G-d, both (and all) of these elements are present in G-d in one indivisible form. Therefore, the separation of G-d or the view that G-d has separate forms each containing an element of His Being is to divide G-d into elements that are already Present within Him as indivisible components. In other words, it amounts to polytheism and the proof is that each element is eventually transformed into an entirely separate being (something the Talmud talks about). Take Jesus for example, he represents one element of G-d, the side ready to give of Himself for the sake of humanity. However, Jesus is the representation of the humanization of G-d and therefore a reduction, and therefore polytheism, because G-d constantly gives of Himself without dying and without taking away from Himself in any way and this is true because He is Infinite. Jesus is finite and cannot be a part of G-d. Further, how can you break the Infinite into parts without creating a series of infinite beings, each one of them being a god on their own? Any religion that humanizes G-d will eventually dehumanize humans, and since the human form of the Christian god is Jewish, Christianity has expliclity dehumanized (and killed) Jewish humans and continues to dehumanize the whole of humanity, although under the veil of unconditional love, or agape. The separation of G-d in order to make Jesus is essentially the same as saying "two gods," for the One G-d exists in total Unity and without any parts and since polytheism rejects/resists unity we see how war is the ape-like and inhuman/inhumane product of this lack of unity. Polytheism is war, monotheism is peace.