Monday, August 28, 2006

Better, better, make it better, O Hashem
Replace love with love
Replace the hole with whole
Wholly holy
A light I do not know now
A warmth I don't feel
Cold like steel
Smash it with my awakening, O Hashem
Spark me, G-d
Send sparks through my body and soul, my G-d
Like a brain, full of activity
Sparks flying and muscles flailing
Saving one from the death of knowledgeness
Like You did in the days of fore
Send my salivation for your Torah and my sick stomach towards the digustingness
Let the season make its presence felt upon me
Let it turn like a rubber band in my stomach; the feelings of life You bestow upon us
To explore the untouched areas is what I want G-d
Lead me to what I need
May my desires be my need
May my fears crumble before you, Hashem
Like weakly-made bread, Hashem
Crumbs on the floor blown off the table, no more
Only solidity and light in front of me, Hashem
Like Your Pillar of Fire before me and like Your Cloud of Smoke behind
Let me grasp, please, what my hands cannot reach and what my eyes cannot see
Let me grasp the thing I need; direct my hand like that of Moshe's to where You want it
Show my fingers where to go to coil around my need
Sometimes I get lost and I run in all directions like a hunted deer
Illuminate the path, Hashem, or just me please steer
May You be my mind when I cannot place my finger on it
And with You will find it
Thank for loving me and being my Shield
I love You so much!
Hashem; wake us shake us from our slumber!
You are the One Whom never slumbers!
May we gather brick and lumber!
Hashem, the One Whom never sleeps nor slumbers!
The One, Whom unlike me, needs no alarm clock to awaken and rise
Eyes cloudy in the morning I can barely get it together
I move slowly through a river of thick air
Lethargic like a sloth
Oh, but You are not like me, You, my Awesome G-d, are always sharp and quick
Move my heart with waves, may I hear their beautiful rustle and crashing
Toss it when You take it, my Everything G-d, You will not break it
Splashing on the shore or thrashing on the canvas
That early morning feeling rising on the shores of your coastal towns
I am lost, lost, lost - found in the glory of Your creations - found only in You!
Sand everywhere imaginable - like the children of Your Promise, which You by Your Awesomeness kept forever
Like them it got everywhere - unite the grains here on this beach where earth meets water
May we rise to the sky like a pillar of salt for the memory of the wife of Lot
So that Babylon we will blot
And may the Dead Sea be Living
With fish swimming because of Your Giving
Oh, how we love Your children, Your prophets
Our fathers and mothers - the shoulders we cried on, and our neighbors, our arms and legs
It is just a fraction of a measure all put together of our love for You!
And what weight can Your Shoulder not hold?
You hold it like a marble on Your Scruff!

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