Friday, August 04, 2006

(Very) Old News

Pictures from the Gaza Pullout. Sure, extremists are extremists, some of you might say, and that's fine, I won't argue that; some of these Jews here were definitely extremists. I am just proud the way our extremists act in relation to that of the Palestinians, and I also think that our cause is much more worthy. Most of these pictures are amazing, but there are a couple that just give you chills, such as the older woman asking the line of Israeli soldiers why they were making them leave.

Look at her, she's Mizrachi (a Middle Eastern Jew) and probably just some 50 years ago an Arab government made her leave the Arab country in which she lived, now she has to move again to make room for Arab Palestinians.

Some of them make you angry, like seeing the line of Israeli soldiers protecting the Palestinian house - Palestinians, that's what a true free and open government looks like!

And some make my heart warm and wish that I had been there but also upset me, such as this one. Nevertheless, this is exactly the way a just and proper government deals with internal dissidents, even if the action is improper, and this is exactly the humane way for a dissident to behave towards a member of the State; this picture makes me proud to belong to the Jewish people and to Israel!

And then you have touching ones, which give you a feeling you can't explain, like this soldier who had to evict his friend.

A very complex picture; one soldier comforting another who is emotionally distraught during the pullout. Perhaps she sympathizes with the settlers. Perhaps she knows some. Perhaps she was mistreated by them. Perhaps she agrees with them but has to serve her country. Perhaps she understands that Israeli history is Jewish history. Perhaps she doesn't like to see people cry.

The men have their issues as well.

Some Nachman Chassidim making the best of the situation; another reason I am proud to be Jewish.

Sometimes Jews throw rocks too.

Interesting statement.


Who knows what's going through this kid's mind?

A picture that might as well be from the pages of the Tanakh (Jewish Bible) during time of internal strife in the Jewish monarchies or during exiles. Again, gives you a real grasp of our history.

Reading T'hillim (Psalms).

*Disclaimer: if you are a person who is of the opinion that this is happening because we haven't accepted Jesus, you need to rethink all of your paradigms on existence.


anonym00kie said...

so sad.. i kept thinking about this yesterday when i was reading about the story of tisha bav.. so sad.. how much longer? :(

Anonymous said...

"Art. 48 Règle fondamentale
En vue d’assurer le respect et la protection de la population civile et des biens de caractère civil, les Parties au conflit doivent en tout temps faire la distinction entre la population civile et les combattants ainsi qu’entre les biens de caractère civil et les objectifs militaires et, par conséquent, ne diriger leurs opérations que contre des objectifs militaires.
Art. 49/3 Les dispositions de la présente Section s’appliquent à toute opération terrestre, aérienne ou navale pouvant affecter, sur terre, la population civile, les personnes civiles et les biens de caractère civil."

"Article 48.-Basic rule
In order to ensure respect for and protection of the civilian population and civilian objects, the Parties to the conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian objects and military objectives and accordingly shall direct their operations only against military objectives.

Article 49/3. The provisions of this Section apply to any land, air or sea warfare which may affect the civilian population, individual civilians or civilian objects on land. They further apply to all attacks from the sea or from the air against objectives on land but do not otherwise affect the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict at sea or in the air."

[Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts adopted on 8 June 1977]