Thursday, January 18, 2007

So, most of my readers know that I have a deep respect for Noahides, who are Gentiles who have chosen to live according to the Seven Laws of Noah, as is commanded them in the Oral Law, or Talmud. This means that they cannot practice any religion that they currently do.

Here is an article written by a Noahide Gentleman. I was sent the link to the article through another Noahide, who found out about through another Noahide named "Adam."

Here's the link:

Enjoy and peace...


Anonymous said...

I read the article. Think it is excellent, well written and thought out. All people who are not in the Mosaic covenant as Jews and don't feel an inner compelling to become so should return to the original covenant, the Noachide, and live as God intended us to, rather than follow the strange paths of the rest of the religions as they would have us do.

OrthodoxJew said...

I agree 100%! Great week to you, Yaniv...